Thursday, August 28, 2014

COLORADO Day Six 8/28/14

Hello Blog Friends,

We spent the day today in Grand Junction.  We visited Mom today in the hospital, ran some errands around town, and took in a baseball game tonight.  After many days of driving hundreds of miles, we only put 24 on the car today.  A welcome relief!

Mom report:  She is doing much better today, and seems to have slept off most of the effects of the anesthesia from the surgery.  She was up several times today.

Denis and I are going to Utah for the day tomorrow, after we visit Mom, of course.

Here are our pics from today:
1.  We spent some time walking Main Street downtown and doing some window shopping.  We ate lunch at one of my favorite spots, Main Street Cafe.  The cafe is furnished with formica tables from the 50's, and is decorated with 50's memorabilia.   And, they make the best malteds ever!
2.  Inside view of Main Street Cafe.
3.  Main Street Cafe decor.
4.  We went to see the Grand Junction Rockies, a minor league team affiliated with the MLB in Denver.  It was "Mascot Night" at the ballpark.  All the mascots from the various local teams were there to root for the GJ Rockies.
5.  Game action.
6.  Game action.

7.  Alas, the home team did not win tonight.  The final score was 2-1 in favor of the opponents, the Ogden Raptors.

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