Friday, August 29, 2014

COLORADO Day Seven 8/29/14

Greetings, blog friends.

Mom report:  Today she moved to the in-hospital rehab floor.  There she will get intensive therapy in the hope she will be ready to fly home in 2-3 weeks. 

While Mom was moving and starting therapy,  Denis and I spent some time in the Moab, UT area at Canyonlands National Park, Dead Horse Point State Park (UT), and the Colorado Riverway Scenic Drive.  Moab is about 1 1/2 hrs from Grand Junction.

Here  are the highlights of our day:
1.  Utah State Line
2.  Mesa Arch, Canyonlands National Park
3.  View of the Colorado River's meandering canyon, Dead Horse Point State Park
4.  Milt's Stop-n-Eat, Moab.  A local little drive in where we had dinner.  Fun.
5.  Along the Colorado Riverway.
6.  Along the Colorado Riverway.
7.  Colorado State Line.

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