Sunday, August 31, 2014

COLORADO Day Nine 8/31/14

Hello Blog Followers,

Mom is doing better today, I'm happy to report.  Tomorrow starts a busy week of intensive therapy to get her ready for the trip home in a couple of weeks.

This afternoon we visited the Peach Capital of Colorado, a little town called Palisade.  Evidently, the climate in Palisade is perfect for growing peaches, pears and grapes.  Orchards and vineyards abound.  We stopped at a vineyard, tasted some very good wine, and purchased some to bring home. 

Here is our photo journal for today:
1.  Vineyards.
2.  Orchards.
3.  Peaches on trees.
4.  Mt. Garfield and the Bookcliffs.
5.  Bottle of wine, fruit of the vine...

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