Wednesday, August 27, 2014

COLORADO. Change of plans

Hello Blog Friends,

Tonight I am writing to you from Grand Junction.  Yes, friends, we are back where we started from yesterday morning.  

When we arrived at our hotel in Colorado Springs,  there was a message for us to call the friends that Mom was staying with.  Mom had an unfortunate accident, fell and broke her right hip and was scheduled for surgery today.    I'm glad to report that she came through the surgery just fine.  She is resting comfortably in the hospital here in Grand Junction.  She will be staying awhile (after discharge from the hospital) in a rehab facility.  We will be coming back in a few weeks to make sure she gets home OK.  That trip will be by airplane.

So, we got up early and headed back over the Rockies to Grand Junction.  We arrived just before the surgeon came out to give us a report.  Great timing.  We will be staying in Grand Junction until she is settled in the care facility.  In the meantime, we are going to try to salvage as much of our vaction as we can.  I'll still be posting photos of our daily actvites, so please keep coming back.

Susan and Denis

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