Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hwy 51 Wisconsin 2011 - Final Thoughts

Hello Blog Followers!
We are back at home now and back to our everyday lives. The memories and images of our recent highway road trip, however, are still fresh in our minds. We visited large cities and small towns, and found each had their own unique qualities to offer the visitor. We found unexpected surprises along the way, like Copper Falls State Park and Merrill's magnificent county courthouse and chuckled at the sense of humor of our fellow Wisconsites. We met some really nice people along the way, like the postman in Janesville who stopped for a moment to give us some local history, and the gentleman in Portage who shared our passion for driving off the beaten path. We learned some interesting historical facts about the early settling of our state, and visited the seat of our state government. We saw lakes, rivers, streams, and lots and lots of trees. Through it all, we reaffirmed what we always knew...that Wisconsin is rich in history and rich in natural beauty.

We loved exploring all the cities, town, and country roads we visited. Our favorite area, however, is Ashland on Lake Superior. It is a place that we both want to visit again soon.

We would like to leave you with this piece of advice: Get off the beaten path! Venture off the freeway, slow down, and take a look at what is on the side of the road. Consider the highway as more than just a way to get from point A to point B -- think of it a journey of discovery. Stop for a minute or two and read those historical markers along the road--you will learn some interesting facts about our great state and the people that made it. Take a drive on a Rustic Road and look with open eyes at the tree canopy overhead. Your life and your journey will be better for it.

--Susan and Denis

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