Monday, August 22, 2011

Hwy 51 Wisconsin 2011 Day 2

Hello Blog Followers!
Tonight we are writing from Stoughton. Today we traveled from Beloit to Janesville, Edgerton, and Janesville.
Janesville has a lovely downtown, bisected by the Rock River. There are two historic districts, one on each side of the river. Most of the buildings were built between 118 and 1910, and reflect quite a variety of architectural styles.

Tobacco farming was a very important cash crop in the latter part of the 19th century. You can still see many of the tobacco warehouses in Edgerton. We found a nice park in Edgerton and had a picnic lunch.

Stoughton is a lovely and quaint little town. There are five distinct historic districts with buildings dating from the 1880's and later. One district is the downtown Main Street, and the four others were residential.

We ended our day watching the sunset at nearby Lake Kegonsa.

Stay tuned for our next installment tomorrow from Portage.
--Susan and Denis

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