Sunday, September 19, 2010

Colorado Trip Day Ten 9-12-10

Greetings all blog followers!

We arrived home successfully Sunday night about 9:30 pm. Susan brought home a little extra something from Colorado...the flu and was sick for two days. After that, we have both been busy at our jobs and at home, trying to get caught up, on both chores and sleep!

Our selection of pictures from our last day out features the interesting stuff you see on and along the road, if you keep your eyes open and camera ready.

This carnival ride must have been en route to another festival. Susan tried to get her fellow travelers to stop in Ames to tour the SPAM museum, but alas, no go!

Iowa...the corn belt of America.

Here is a guy pulling a trailer with an old fire engine on it. Note the golf cart ahead of the engine.

Here's another guy pulling a trailer with two golf carts. Actually, we saw quite a few golf carts going down the road in Iowa. We came to the conclusion that perhaps there were golf cart races going on somewhere (why not, they race riding lawn mowers!). Anyway, if anyone can enlighten us with an answer to this mystery, please do. Or, could it just be an "Iowa" thing?

A very friendly face along the highway.

We passed a car carrier semi filled with ordinary cars, this one was extraordinary and definately caught our eye!

We don't know what to make of this...???

What every highway needs...its very own jet fighter!

The wide and shallow Platte River.

The skyline of Lincoln Nebraska. The state capitol is the tallest building.

Our final post is yet to come, stay tuned, and thanks for traveling with us!
Susan and Denis

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