Sunday, September 5, 2010

Colorado 2010 Day 3 9-5-2010

Greetings blog followers,

Tonight we'm writing to you from Grand Junction. Yes, we have arrived at our destination! We woke to a brisk morning (about 50 degrees) in Winter Park. We ate breakfast in our room (we had a kitchenette), and headed out over Berthoud Pass, then picked up I-70 west. We stopped off in Vail for a few hours. We walked around and looked at the shops, the ski lift, and just the town in general. There were alot of people in Vail today, since they were having some kind of street festival going on. Since we were they over the noon hour, we decided to stay for lunch, then continued our journey west. We stopped in at a rest area in Glenwood Canyon near a town called "No Name", where we saw people rafting on the Colorado River. It was a lovely little rest area there, in the valley next to the river. We've included a picture of the rafters, and you can see where the roadway cantilevers out over the river. We arrived in Grand Junction around 4:00 this afternoon. The temperatures got warmer as we went further west. It was 95 degrees in Grand Junction when we arrived. We ventured downtown and looked at some of the "Art on the Corner" sculpture pieces. We took the required picture with "Chrome on the Range" (scroll down, you'll see what I mean). Tomorrow we leave Fran in Grand Junction to visit as we head to Arches National Park. We'll send pictures of the park from Cortez. Enjoy the pictures.

Susan and Denis

This statue commemorates the soldiers who trained in the Vail area during WWII.

Mt. Garfield, a Grand Junction landmark.
Our obligatory visit with "Chrome"
See you tomorrow from Cortez!

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