Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Colorado Day Six 9-8-10

Hello from Durango!

After two strenuous days of walking and climbing rocks, we took it easy on our legs today and rode the Durango - Silverton Narrow Guage Railway. This train runs from Durango to Silverton, a 45.2 mile ride up into the San Juan Mountains. Elevation in Durango is 6100 feet compared to 9300 ft in Silverton. A one-way trip takes 3 1/2 hours. It was a cloudy and rainy day in the mountains today, perfect for an indoors activity, but not so perfect for mountaintop viewing. The train follows the Animas river for the entire trip, and passes by some very tall mountains, many 13ers and 14ers (for you non-Coloradans this means peaks over 13,000 and 14,000 ft.). Unfortunately, the tops of the peaks were obscured most of the time by clouds, but the river itself was very picturesque, with many areas of rapids. We were in the last car of the train, so we had an excellent view out the back of the track we were leaving behind. Once we arrived in Silverton, we ate lunch and did a little shopping. We opted for the bus ride back to Durango, and arrived back in town at about 3:30. The train arrived at 5:30. We wanted to have a little time to explore downtown Durango. Here is today's installment of pictures for your enjoyment:

Our train on the mountain Taking on water on the way up to Silverton

The Animas River

The DSNGR has been featured in many movies over the past 50 years. The most famous movie filmed with the train was Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Remember the scene where our hero jumps from the rock ledge onto the top of the train? This is the spot. All the railroad scenes were filmed with this train.

Silverton, CO:

Many times we were "within" the clouds.

Our accomodations are wonderful here at the Strater Hotel. This is how our room looked when we checked in:

No two rooms are alike. Each room is appointed with antique walnut furniture. The Strater has the largest collection of antique walnut furniture in the United States.

The Strater Hotel is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is a beautiful place to stay.

Tomorrow we leave Durango and drive back up to Silverton, and continue north to Ouray, on to Gateway, then back to Grand Junction.
Susan & Denis

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