Thursday, September 10, 2009

South Dakota Trip Day Seven

Hello Blog Followers!

We spent another full day and our last day here in the Black Hills. Although we are reluctant to leave, we will head east toward Wisconsin tomorrow morning.

Today we toured Ellsworth AFB, where we saw military aircraft on display, as well as a Minuteman Missle Silo.

We then headed out to Badlands National Park for the afternoon. After a quick lunch in Wall (not Wall Drug, we will stop by there tomorrow morning on our way east), we headed back to Rapid City for a brief respite before dinner.

Dinner was at Ft. Hays Chuckwagon and Dinner Show. The menu included barbeque beef, baked beans, applesauce, baked potato, hardtack roll and butter, spice cake, and lemonade. We were treated to a stage show after dinner. It was thoroughly enjoyable.

The internet connection here at the hotel has deteriorated over the past two days, making it nearly impossible to send pictures. I will try to send photos from the last two days tomorrow night after we arrive in Sioux Falls.

Until then....
Susan and Denis

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