Monday, September 7, 2009

South Dakota Trip Day Four

Greetings from the Black Hills. The weather was beautiful, so we decided to drive the southern Black Hills area. We visited Mt. Rushmore, Custer State Park, drove the Needles Highway and saw the Crazy Horse Monument. No words can really describe the sights, so we'll let the pictures do the talking: Needles Highway:
Sylvan Lake:

Wildlife in Custer State Park:

Crazy Horse Monument:

Mt. Rushmore:

Tomorrow we will head north to Sturgis, Belle Fourche, Deadwood and Lead.
Your tired but happy travelers,
Susan and Denis


  1. It looks like you had a beautiful day. The pictures are gorgeous and I'm sure there are no words to describe the sights. We'll be waiting to see more of your travels from today. Safe traveling to you.... hope you aren't too tired to enjoy the day.

  2. Hi - I am so glad you are enjoying your vacation. i like the picture with the horses on the road. The kids liked all the animal pictures. The scenery pictures are beautiful and look so serene. Can't wait for tomorrow. safe traveling,
    love kimmer
