Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hello friends and family,

We had a very relaxing day today. We had no schedule or itinerary to follow. We didn't even use the car today. Since our hotel is centrally located downtown, we used our own feet as transportation. The day started out foggy and cool, but once the fog lifted, the day was sunny and warm.

We visited Falls Park, featuring the waterfalls that the city is named after. The rock in the falls is a rose colored quartzite, and very pretty. Many of the older downtown buildings are made from this stone, quarried from this area. Sioux Falls' downtown also has a collection of art scuptures on display called Sculpturewalk. We walked the downtown area and found many of the sculptures on display. The art pieces range from life-like to abstract. The annual downtown art and craft fair was also held this year, featuring local artisans. We found some interesting things, and one especially reminded us of home...Wisconsin cheese!

Tomorrow we will spend our last day out and will be in Wisconsin tomorrw night. We may stay out another night, or we may push on to home. Our last post will be from home sometime on Monday. To our families, we brought goodies for the grandchildren. To our co-workers, we will see you bright and early on Tuesday morning.

Susan and Denis

Falls Park:


Susan's favorite:
Denis' favorite:
Historic Buildings downtown:

1 comment:

  1. I am really glad you had a great trip! Can't wait to talk to you. Those pictures of the park were very beautiful. The art reminded me of grand junction. I showed zach the pictures and he thought the dinosaurs were real and he liked the airplanes. The kids got your postcards yesterday, which are now hanging on the fridge!! have a safe drive home.
    love, kimmer
